Real Doesn’t Have to Be Toxic

Dear Remittance Girl,

I admire you and your writing so much. But.

You say there are two tribes of perverts, and fuck decaf. You say that real perverts know there is nothing remotely ethical about getting off on hurting people. You say the rest of us are deluding ourselves when we say we are naughty but okay.

You say you don’t even want it to be ethical, because your jouissance comes from knowing it is wrong in every fibre of your being.

You say, in effect, that all kinksters are transgressive, but only the real ones have the courage to admit it.

What is your real? You kink on the transgressive. I don’t. It’s power that does it for me. I actually squick on certain kinds of transgressiveness. Does that make me unreal?

And what is your right and wrong? You paint a graphic picture of five men coming on a woman, and you call it wrong, no ifs or buts. Is it really? I remember my Chinese doctor seeking out the most tender spots in my joints to cure them with terrifying pressure. Did the pain make it wrong?

Is emotional pain really different? One of my ex-students has told me about the terrible shame I inflicted on her years ago. She thanked me profusely, because it had taught her an unforgettable lesson about letting people down. Am I wrong to feel pride in that achievement?

Pain is real – it ranks very high among convincingly real human experiences. And we both know how horrifying it is to find pleasure in it. But horror is not a valid moral compass, any more than a squick is a valid moral judgment. That pain was not the worst thing my doctor could have done to me, and my student is made of more than her temporary shame.

The pleasure that comes from pain and shame is not a measure of your soul’s corruption, either. There are things you would never do, even if in some alternate universe they brought you pleasure. That’s the real measure of your soul’s righteousness – your conscience, not your kink.

I’m a results girl. If clamps and kowtowing and humiliation bring lewd joy to your loins as well as mine, there is a right way to do it to me and a wrong way. And the right way is nothing more or less than looking out for my well-being before, during, and after we indulge our base compatibility. Do it right, and I say you have done an incredibly difficult task well. Do it right, and I say you cannot possibly be more ethical – however much you enjoy my tears.

I admit a caveat. There are ways of tapping my kink that leave me feeling safe, and others that leave me feeling violated. And others have written about a happy subspace and a bad subspace. If you only experience the latter, I have no absolution to offer you, only part-time sisterhood.

Please keep staring at the contradictions of reality – that’s what I admire most about your blog, the courage to see when desires and convictions don’t match. Please kink on the horror as much as you please, as long as it brings you happiness as well as pleasure.

But please, please don’t believe you deserve the bad endings your conclusion implies to me: “I do not make moral excuses for the rotten and perverse things my characters do. I do not give them nice happy endings because I do not want to send the message that there are no negative consequences to their behaviours.Please don’t believe you have to be wrong to be real – or insane.

And please consider the possibility that others may not be deluded cowards, only uncomprehending because they are fortunate enough to have gentler kinks.

Diabolical Genius, or I Love Interrogation

Eric Pride has left the community in the wake of pro-consent movements, stating that we have started tearing each other apart instead of standing by each other. I’m sad that he is not who I thought he was.

This post is part of the Eek! series. Also an e[lust] top three pick!

Eric Pride is the devil.

And a prince of tact.

Um. Let me backtrack.

I recently volunteered to help with Eric Pride’s interrogation class. I know nothing about interrogation, but this was not a problem, because I was to be the victim.

The problem was my chiropractor. I told him, truthfully enough, that I had volunteered to act out an interrogation scene, and requested his medical opinion on what the interrogator could safely do to me. After he finished laughing, he answered, much to my dismay, “Tell him you’re made of porcelain and you might break.”

Argh. I had already told Eric Pride that I couldn’t do nudity or sexual contact, that I had limited tolerance for adult language and mindfuck and pain, and that I had no experience whatsoever scening in public.

And now I was supposed to pass on the message that he couldn’t even manhandle the prisoner? Dammit, porcelain inside and out.

I was not reassured when Mr Pride replied concisely that he thought it would be fine, there was nothing super intense or long-lasting, and please to show up twenty minutes before class. Twenty minutes divided by how many demo bottoms? How could that possibly be fine? And maybe not intense by his standards, but for me? I am not by nature imaginative, but on this occasion I outdid myself.

But it was fine. It was amazing. And the credit all belongs to this evil genius.

There is just one thing I’m really glad I did, though. I told him I was terrified.

This was not quite true. I was mostly terrified that I wouldn’t be terrified. I know me. When I miss a plane, I shrug and call the airline. When I get dumped, I smile and give my best wishes. And so forth. I have a long history of shutting down in emotional crisis. This looked like an awfully good time to do it.

And I had a dreadful suspicion it was starting. Because for 36 hours, all I could worry about was whether I could call him “sir” or if he would need me to sound defiant. Stupid worry. If he’d wanted good actors he would have said. So why did my head keep going back there? Argh. Where’s my tail again? Chase, chase.

Enough. With three hours to go, I finally went up to him and confessed my inadequacy. And my incontinence was rewarded. He dropped everything and talked to me till he was late for dinner. This is the single thing I am most grateful for.

He told me exactly what he was planning to do to me. “You’ll be the first demo. The initial phase of interrogation, just questions, no force.” My inner chiropractor cheered.

And more. “I don’t do role-play interrogation. I think the way to get real reactions is to ask for real information. So I’ll ask you about something like your first sexual experience.”


“You mean you’re not going to ask me to take my clothes off – you’re just going to ask me to talk about taking my clothes off?”


“That’s perfect!” I do that every week on this blog, don’t I?

Little did I know.

Buoyed by false confidence, I did an excellent job of not shutting down the fear, if I do say so myself. My heart was pounding audibly when he called me to the front. I’d even stopped worrying what to call him.

Surprise the first: Apparently I’m a giggler. Did you know that elderly people find jokes about death funnier? For 24 hours I was uncontrollable every time mindfucks were mentioned. I have since been offering up contrition for every giggler I’ve ever judged.

Surprise the second: He put me in an even safer seated position than the one I’d been lounging in, then instructed me not to look away from a very specific point in the distance. I thought it was a gift of mercy. I wouldn’t even need to meet anyone’s eyes.

Surprise the third: In ten minutes I was bright red and trembling. Or so I’ve been told. All I knew was that my hands were convulsing in their assigned position, I had disobeyed the order not to drop my gaze about fifty times, and my voice had said “sir” without consulting me.

The man is diabolical.

I’m not denying that he got a lot of help from the fifth column in my head. This website is not called The University of Abject Submission for nothing. As soon as the questions started, my greatest fear was not death by indignity, but disappointing him and the audience with the insignificance of my first sexual experience. I mean, it was nothing. My first boyfriend had backed me gently against a wall and kissed my throat till I was trembling and gasping. It had been one of the most intense experiences of my life, but I was convinced I was boring everyone to tears.

My sexually repressed upbringing has a lot to answer for. According to my eighth-grade Home Economics textbook, it is rude to cross your legs before a superior, so I had respectfully crossed my ankles. How could it be so hard to make myself uncross them and spread my legs, no, wider?

Of course, my ardent desire to fall through the floor did not pass unnoticed. It got worse.

“How did he make you feel?”

“Where was the feeling?”

“Point to it.”

“Was that your thigh?”

“Point closer.”

“Can you touch it?”

“That’s your ass!”

Laughter. A whole roomful.

No, sir, it’s not my – what you said. But thank you. The humiliation was terrible and wonderful.

Eric Pride never laid a finger on me. He didn’t even raise his voice. I was terribly envious of what the other demo bottoms got – blindfolds, canes and stress positions, not to mention impressive mindfucks. But four days later the memories were still making me blush furiously as I wrote my thank-you letter, and my heart is going pitter-pat even now. Mr Pride, you can be proud.

And I was so happy. Bubbling over. I did ask audience members if I had been boring, and I must say the very specific way they went inarticulate was fairly reassuring. I have literally been walking taller since then. Submission as a confidence-builder, imagine that.

So much for the diabolical genius. I’ll tell you about the tact in a bit. It’s proving very hard to explain.

Update: I finally managed it!


Am I Part of the Problem?

Two months ago I called for BDSM bloggers to write about vanilla tragedies. Now the blogosphere is churning with horror at the UC Santa Barbara mass shooting by Elliot Rodger.

But nobody seems to be answering the first question I asked myself: Am I part of the problem?

I’m a straight submissive woman. I was molested by a male coach as a child. I would have been raped as a teenager but for the intervention of a passing security guard. I have feared for my safety with a partner. This is the first time most of my family and friends are hearing about any of this. And few women have led a safer life than I have. #YesAllWomen.

Oh, and good luck trying to get me to sleep with you. I’m definitely part of the data.

But that’s not what I mean.

The problem is male violence born of sexual frustration with women. Do you know how many porn stories I’ve read on that theme? I call it No Rescue porn. I’ve just finished writing a whole series of posts about eroticising trauma and depression and hating yourself afterwards. So my question is this. Is rape culture part of my sexuality?

I would probably be a nervous wreck right now if Valery North hadn’t started me thinking about this two weeks ago. He asked if there was a dominant equivalent to the toxic side of my kink. And I think there is: sadism that comes from a place of anger and revenge, instead of affection and power.

It’s right there in No Rescue porn, which is after all produced for a dominant male viewership. And I think it’s even more toxic for them. I’ve talked to dommes about it. It sounds incredibly difficult to come to terms with such a destructive vision of yourself. Your conscience really does throw up every time.

What I have realised, with relief, is that I don’t wish that nauseating fulfilment on anybody. And I don’t need it from anybody either. I’ve grown away from No Rescue porn. My submission actually functions much better when operated with care and forbearance – and it leaves me ridiculously happy and walking taller.

So no. I don’t need rape culture in order to be me.

And frankly, I wouldn’t wish this culture on men either. Anger and bitterness do not emerge from a place of power, but from pain.

And that is just as true for a deluded boy with a gun as it is for my #YesAllWomen sisters.



Eric Pride has left the community in the wake of pro-consent movements, stating that we have started tearing each other apart instead of standing by each other. I’m sad that he is not who I thought he was.

This post is part of the Eek! series.

I am ridiculously happy today. But it takes a while to explain why.

Let me catch you up on what happened last week.

As you may recall, I once attended a class by Eric Pride and concluded that maybe it wasn’t impossible to scene with a stranger after all. So I was pleased to see that he was giving a weekend of classes near me. Mindfucks and interrogation were clearly aimed at doms, but I figured the world wouldn’t end if one more sub knew how it was done.

And then, God help me, this tweet arrived.

I tried to think about the decision. Really. But it was there already.

(Definitions of jargon: bottom and scene.)

At least I had the good sense to volunteer for interrogation. But first I had to sit through the mindfuck class.

All faked. But as you can imagine, they had an effect on me. A friendly vanilla asked how I was doing and heard more than she bargained for.

But all’s well that ends well. Here’s what I tweeted after my scene.

Yup, very happy.

This isn’t the end of the story. I’m still astounded that such an intense scene was possible given all my restrictions. And my friends are still trying to understand why I’m okay with doing a classroom demo but not a play party.

I’ll explain. More soon, I promise!


e[lust] #58

Welcome to Elust #58 – The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #59? Start with the rules, come back June 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Do NOT take my rapeplay fantasy away from me!
Pulp Fiction
“O” is for Outlaw No More

~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

The Second Letter
The Wake

~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!

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Celebrating three months of blogging

Today my blog is three months old!

To celebrate, here is a rapid-fire review of all 28 posts to date.

February 2014

  1. Thank you for hurting me.
  2. Hey look, subversive stories!
  3. Some like it rough.
  4. Maybe casual scening isn’t so bad.
  5. Love is a hard master.
  6. There is no why.

March 2014

  1. It’s just like teaching preschool.
  2. Muggles aren’t what they used to be.
  3. Oh God, I want a dom.
  4. Oh God, the shame.
  5. Hello, BDSM blogosphere!
  6. Please help me switch off my head?
  7. Sadist ≠ psychopath.

April 2014

  1. Can I make you laugh?
  2. I impersonate a techie service sub.
  3. Oh God, is it about hurting myself?
  4. Hello again, BDSM blogosphere!
  5. (Almost) back to normal!
  6. Hey look, three plots and a surprise!
  7. I ogle.
  8. Hey look, leather book awards!
  9. I gag.
  10. Trouble. And help.

May 2014

  1. New directions for this blog.
  2. Thank God I wasn’t (just) hurting myself.
  3. Neuro/cognitive science proves surprisingly diverting.
  4. A balanced diet of porn.
  5. Unbirthday!

Coming up with one-line summaries has been surprisingly fun. And now I’m curious, do you like these better than the originals?


Just Say No?

This post is part of the Is It Bad for Me? series. You may wish to begin with Part 1.

The critical reader may have noticed that I skipped over a pressing question in Abject Submission 3: Only the Gift.

As you know, I realised to my surprise that some stories about emotional abuse were actually good for my depression, but the No Rescue porn that first introduced me to BDSM had been bad for me. So the question is surely whether I should Just Say No to that class of porn.

You may wonder why I procrastinated on making a decision. Surely all I have to do is ask myself once again: How does it make me feel?

But the answer turns out to be more complicated this time, because my feelings about No Rescue porn have changed. I haven’t even been reading Alebeard’s Rape, Pillage & Plunder Stories much lately. And it’s stopped bothering me, so I flattered myself, poor fool, that it was because I had made peace with my kink.

Then Fernando’s graphic novels made me relive the horrified addiction in miniature. Thank God it only took a few weeks to calm down. But come to think of it, I had the same experience with manga by Horikawa Gorou a few years ago.

Which makes me think it could happen again – all it takes is new stimuli. I will probably always have this vulnerability. I’m actually half-grateful that my censorship scare made me remove those links, because I’m half-afraid I’ll go under again.

I think No Rescue porn is like junk food. Some people can eat a lot of it with no ill effects. And then there’s me. At this time in my life I can eat a little without having a heart attack, because I am buttressed by so much evidence that BDSM can be love. But new foods like Fernando and Horikawa are a shock to the system. And sixteen years ago I was starved; I had only Alebeard. That’s why I couldn’t stop eating and sickening.

With no abuse whatsoever, I could have poisoned my kink. Please don’t say it’s not possible, because I think that’s what happened to the friend I mentioned in Abject Submission 1.

It wasn’t as bad for me. But I think things only really started changing when I had someone to give me aftercare. So I’m starting to understand why some people want to stay away from all activities which require hardcore aftercare. I suppose it is generally good practice to avoid eating things that make you throw up – but purging the self can feel good once in a while. Sometimes junk food is worth it. My mind is nobody’s temple.

But I have noticed something funny about junk food. As you get older, it stops tasting so good. Once upon a time I would have revelled in fries every day, but now I get them once in a blue moon. And I relish them, but I don’t really crave them. My craving for No Rescue porn has declined in exactly the same way.

I’m hoping it’s like Confucius says:

At the age of fifteen I began to study with resolution. At thirty I stood firm. At forty I had no more doubts. At fifty I knew the will of Heaven. At sixty I was willing to listen. At seventy I could follow my heart’s desires without transgression.

It will be a while before I attain the august age of seventy. In the meantime, I’ll have to be vigilant about balancing my porn diet. But perhaps the day will come when I don’t even want to poison my kink. My emotional masochism can grow up to be a well-educated sage that knows the will of Heaven. Confucius said so!


Humiliation Is the Most Intense Emotion?

Did you know that Humiliation Studies is a thing? I didn’t!

Sadly, these researchers have no interest in helping us to scene better. They’re in it because they consider humiliation to be at the heart of all kinds of social turmoil and global conflict.

The underlying assumption, of course, is that humiliation is a particularly intense emotion. And a couple of scientists decided to test this question empirically using an EEG!

Participants read short one or two sentence stories describing an emotionally laden event. The content of each story was either humiliating (“You see your internet-date at the arranged location. Your date takes one look at you, turns around and quickly walks away.”), angering (“Your roommate has organized a party while you were away for the weekend. When you return the apartment is a mess, and all your wine glasses are broken.”), or happy (“You find out that the person that you have had a crush on for a while likes you too.”).

The findings were that humiliation is indeed more intense than happiness or anger (Experiment 1 above) or shame (Experiment 2). At least, according to the wires gummed to the participants’ heads.

As always with academic research, there were a bunch of caveats. In this case, I am convinced. (Though the editors need help with hyphens and angar.)

But I’m struck by their definition of emotional intensity as amount of brain activity. It reminds me of another academic finding from the delightfully titled book The Man Who Lied to His Laptop, that negative emotions use up more cognitive capacity than positive emotions. Maybe you’ve noticed how difficult it is to remember what events led up to particularly bad fights? And it makes sense! Negative emotions must be the brain’s way of telling you it doesn’t like to work hard.

It also reminds me of something I have said before, that masochism is about the liberating experience of losing your ability to think. And it sounds like humiliation does that particularly well, by driving everything else out of your head. No wonder I’m an emotional masochist.

I’m intrigued that humiliation is more powerful than shame. Excuse me, Otten and Jonas would probably prefer me to say that it “evokes more longlasting cortical activation”. I wonder if that could be culturally specific? But it does explain something. If humiliation trumps shame, then no wonder punishment is effective in washing away guilt.

Thanks to the wonderful Augusta Columbine for alerting me to this research via the Wired report!


Abject Submission 3: Only the Gift

This post is part of the Is It Bad for Me? series. You may wish to begin with Part 1.

As you know, a few weeks ago I was frightened by my kink. I already knew I had been eroticising my depression last year – we emotional masochists are capable of amazing feats – but now I wondered if I had also been trying to get addicted to it. Because I knew I had been compulsively reliving the worst of it in fantasies and fiction.

And I have this blog to thank for getting me through the panic. My friends have been wonderful, but normally I wouldn’t even have mentioned it to them. I’d just have tried not to think scary thoughts until my natural forgetfulness took over.

This time I started to write, and the painful details came back. Before I knew it, the search for clarity had forced me to the point of tears and fear. For a while there I thought blogging had made things worse.

But as soon as I finished writing Abject Submission 1 and hit the off switch, other things started coming back to me. The simple pleasure of giving handouts to strangers with a smile. The way tension fled my body when I imagined being in bondage for the first time in a long time. The joy that had made me beam at security guards and passing trees after someone said, “My dear, you’re mine.”

I spent a week making notes. I analysed 78 ebooks for patterns. I made it far too complicated. Because there is really only one question: How does it make you feel?

For thirdxlucky, the answer was: Unequivocally awful.

I can’t remember the first time I had an orgasm. I also can’t remember a time when having orgasms, for me, wasn’t tied to a process of self-destructive psychological abuse in which I would hypnotically force myself to re-imagine and re-live variations on violent, traumatizing feelings from my childhood until I came — and then lie in bed afterwards feeling blurry, dissociated, scared, unable to focus, intellectually muted and emotionally numbed. I’ve hated coming for most of my life. And I still forced myself to do it compulsively, similar to the way I used to cut myself compulsively, knowing that I was going to regret it for the rest of the day.

– From “This One’s for the Invisible Girl” by thirdxlucky

I had assumed my fantasies were bad for me because they were about reliving experiences which were bad for me. But did they leave me numbed by trauma and fear, self-loathing and regret?

No. Something in me took the worst of real life and gave it back to me, changed just enough to leave me feeling loved and supported. It’s amazing how the fantasy was almost identical to its real-life antecedent, and yet it took me months to see the parallel because the emotional effects were night and day. Gone the frustration and hurt. Only the conflict and helplessness and love remained, leaving me prostrate with gratitude.

Still depressed. But comforted.

Was I wallowing? No. I thought I was, because I knew I could turn off the depression any time I liked using Jeeves or Fawlty Towers. And I did dose myself with English comedy – but rarely. Why not? Didn’t I want to be happy?

Now I know the answer. Laughter was anaesthesia. I didn’t need all that much of it. The fantasies and slave fic were better, because they reminded me what it felt like to be loved without hurt. And that’s what was missing from my real life. I wasn’t killing myself by chasing depression, I was curing myself by transmuting it into submission.

Abject and terrified, yes. But full of love, and deserving of love in return.

And that must be why I fell in love with those two slave fics about emotional abuse and rescue, The Golden Bird by Augusta Columbine and Unmarked by Dusk Peterson. Because that’s what they’re about, this transmutation.

Luca laughed. He felt fizzy all over, wild with joy. Robert wanted him. Truly wanted him, even though Luca was a slave and a whore and a slut who couldn’t control his prick. Robert thought Luca was beautiful, perfect. Robert had come just from the friction of their bodies moving together. Luca called Robert master and Robert wasn’t the least bit angry at his presumption. He hadn’t even shoved Luca away when he was done with him. It was like the dream Luca used to have when he was little, a child’s fantasy of being bought by a kind, gentle owner. He’d always been brought back to reality by a kick or a slap or a patron punishing him for not being eager enough. But Robert was real, and he was better than any dream.

– From The Golden Bird (Chapter 38) by Augusta Columbine (online, work in progress)

Laughter, joy, being wanted. Those authors were trying to do for me exactly what I was trying to do for myself – take me on a journey, starting from numbed pain and the conviction of worthlessness – but ending in submission, offered with joy, received with love. I can’t believe it took me this long to figure out. Thank you, thank you a million times, Augusta Columbine and Dusk Peterson.

And now I think I also know why thirdxlucky scared me so much. Fear, self-loathing, and regret for giving in to compulsion – that’s how Alebeard’s aptly named Rape, Pillage & Plunder Stories made me feel sixteen years ago. And a few weeks ago, just before I wrote Abject Submission 1, that’s just how Fernando’s similarly themed graphic novels were making me feel. Violently aroused. And deeply violated.

Doubly shocked.

I have written elsewhere about how I could possibly be turned on by the Rapist’s Happily Ever After. I’ve also written about the aftermath of shame and horror. But I didn’t have the vocabulary to explain why My Kink Is OK but Not OK.

And now it is so clear. There are stories that make me feel wonderful about my kink, and stories that leave me feeling like filth. They’re both about abject submission and the thrill of receiving it. But The Golden Bird and Unmarked treat submission as a gift beyond price – an infinitely humbling responsibility, to be returned with equally unbounded love and protection. How could I not feel safe? Whereas for Alebeard and Fernando, I’m a treasure, but a treasure meant to be pillaged and polluted with glee. How could I not feel violated?

It’s not the first time I’ve wondered about the difference. Maculate Giraffe actually challenged her readers to figure it out in her seminal Slave Breakers slash series, after first describing the difference:

Truthfully, Lee might not have remembered if getting fucked had hurt …. His master could go as fast as he wanted, he could tear Lee up and make him bleed if he wanted, Lee didn’t care, if this came at the end of it, this blurred and dizzy ecstasy of being wanted, being pleasing, being right, his body no longer a clumsy and traitorous encumbrance that constantly got Lee punished, but a thing his master wanted, touched so gently, was pleased with. He’d never felt so safe as he did then, in his master’s arms, safe and fucked and praised, but he knew he could feel safer: his master’s hard cock in him again would make him truly safe.

Now, finally, he thought he understood: this was how a slave was supposed to feel about his master’s cock. Hungry. Desperate. He wanted any touch his master was pleased to give him. He wanted all the touches at once. This was what he was for.

It’s not about the hurt. I don’t want mercy. Only the gift. And I want to be the giver. But I need someone to accept it.

And it was not wrong for me to imagine it compulsively. That was exactly what I needed, a reminder that abject submission can feel safe.

Thank God I didn’t find Fernando’s graphic novels till this April. Because it could have gone the other way. And I don’t think I’m completely recovered yet, either from last year’s depression or the shock of several weeks ago. I burst into tears while writing this very post, because it made me realise why I haven’t been able to cope with some of my friends and doctors lately – their heartfelt sympathy triggers the hellish experience which gave birth to my fantasy. I’ve dealt with my own pain, but trying to comfort theirs on my behalf just … doesn’t … work.

But I have most definitely learnt a lot about myself at The University of Abject Submission. So thank you, too! Thank you for being my classmate.


Not Censored. Thank You Everyone!

Irregular updates from now on. And yes, that’s my calligraphy.

You guys are amazing! Support came from everywhere – BDSM blogging friends, Blogging 201 classmates, WordPress staff and HostGator staff.

I got scared after my last post, because Ferns alerted me to one of her old posts on the Domme Chronicles. It seems that last year BDSM blogs were being killed left and right for pornography links, especially monetising them. And here I was blithely discussing, excerpting and linking to rape porn. Yikes. Squarely in the grey area.

But believe it or not, someone from the Terms of Service team heard about my forum situation and reached out to give me official confirmation that my blog is fine! Wow.

If censorship were the only worry, I’d go back to The witch-hunt is evidently over (for now). But it’s always been a matter of time before I switched over to self-hosting. The coding limitations were frustrating from the start, but I kept telling myself that my joints needed the space to convalesce. And I did indeed go crazy replicating my formatting in six hours flat, but HostGator deserves its reputation for technical support. I’m staying put.

However, the repetitive stress injury has lodged serious complaints, and real life has fallen behind too. I want to keep my promise to publish Abject Submission 3: Only the Gift this Saturday, but after that, no more regular commitments. Unfortunately, I also need to stop tweeting unergonomically. I’ve pruned my account like crazy so maybe I won’t miss too much.

But some happy news too. Today’s featured image is blurry, ill-lit and – for once – all mine! You will see more of my calligraphy in future, starting with a new favicon. And why yes, I am happy to take orders. [cough] Of course.

And thank you, everyone. You know who you are.

Featured image by Yingtai, 30 April 2014.

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