Experiment over

Vivid green leaf against darkness
Image by José from Pixabay

Remember I said I was going to try moving to another blog as an experiment? It’s been over six months now, and the experiment is over. I’m going to close that blog down and come back here.

I started the other blog because there hasn’t been a lot of abject submission in my life since long covid. But I’m getting better, my kink is flickering in and out, and it is manifesting in that old familiar form! So the title of this blog no longer feels wrong.

And I do sometimes have thoughts that don’t belong on this blog at all. But it seems pretty clear that I don’t find them interesting enough to write up and share.

I still don’t have very much energy to spare, so this blog may remain dormant. But I have had a lot of unchronicled thoughts about kink over the past ten years, so I do have hopes of sharing them here some day.

For now, I’ll just port over the one post I managed at the new blog. You’ll see it soon.

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