When You Need a (Kinky) Laugh

Jolly Roger flag saying: The beatings will continue until morale improves
Image: Flag available from Pirates Plunder.

We all need a bit of cheering up after that last post. But as a non-practical-joker, I was handicapped in celebrating April Fools’ Day.

Instead, may I belatedly offer you some variegated entertainment in the form of images, words and music?

First, here is my spanking new Pinterest board, BDSM Humour:

Follow Yingtai’s board BDSM Humour on Pinterest.

If your sense of humour also accepts written input, please take your pick of the following:

And if you can support your laughing habit with cash, I can also strongly recommend the following:

  • Hidden, novella by Dusk Peterson
    “My darling torturer, you’re doing it wrong!”
  • Mark Cooper Versus America, novel by J. A. Rock
    Angry bunny Aussie hotness rushes a frat!
  • The Killer Wore Leather, novel by Laura Antoniou
    The real origins of Gor! And who dunnit, of course.

I leave you in the good hands of these comedians.

“It’s been so long since I made love I can’t even remember who gets tied up.” – Joan Rivers

“I urge you all today, especially today during these times of chaos and war, to love yourself without reservations and to love each other without restraint. Unless you’re into leather.” – Margaret Cho

Musical interlude with Harvard mathematician Tom Lehrer:

And that’s it from me. I swear I have never had so much fun researching a post. Can you suggest anything else?

Announcement: This blog now updates every Saturday first thing in the morning, with occasional weekday posts.

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